
At Glad Tidings, we value contagious servanthood and are glad to offer many opportunities for people to serve on our campus.

Ready to start? Fill out our Ministry of Helps Application and contact Megan Coppock,


Serves Sunday morning on rotation assisting with the soundboard, PowerPoint presentations, or videography during morning services.

Kids Ministry

Serve on a rotation to care for children in classes varying from infants to 5th grade.

Section Shepherds

Serve on a rotation in the sanctuary prior to service, finding and introducing themselves to newcomers, helping them become acclimated to the church, finding the nursery, restrooms, and to welcome them to Glad Tidings.


Volunteers serve on a rotation greeting our congregants.


Serve on a rotation during service, distributing bulletins, greeting guests, helping seat congregants in our main sanctuary, and receiving the offering.

Welcome Center Hosts

Serve on a rotation at the Welcome Center assisting attenders with questions, directions, and registration for events.